Sep 24, 2021
Mark and Jesse chat with their long-time tax advisor Casey Murdock about the importance of tax strategizing throughout the year, what to look for in a good tax advisor, when it's appropriate for businesses to do their own taxes, and more!
Casey Murdock
Sep 17, 2021
Mark and Jesse invite their long-time tax advisor Casey Murdock, or Wealth Guard Advisors, to talk about common myths and misunderstandings business owners have about the tax code as well as legitimate tax saving strategies. Tax can seem like a tedious field, but having good tax strategies can result in big savings....
Sep 10, 2021
Cash basis accounting works for a lot of businesses, and it has a lot of benefits being simple, easy to understand, and a relatively "pure" way to evaluate the cash position of the business. But for some businesses it may make sense to switch to accrual accounting, where things start to get a bit complicated. Mark and...
Sep 3, 2021
Mark and Jesse take a break from talking about cash to focus on the "softer" aspects of running a business and, more specifically, a team. But, as these things tend to do, it turns out core values are everything about running a business, and they directly impact how your day to day business operations proceed.